It is now even easier for our users in Saudi Arabia to subscribe to Anghami Plus. You can simply purchase a voucher code from Resal website or app and redeem it on your account. It's as easy as that!
1. Where can I purchase a Voucher?
You can purchase an Anghami Plus voucher directly from Resal mobile app or from their website
2. What are the available Anghami Plus vouchers with Resal?
The available Anghami Plus plans are:
- 1 Month for 20 SAR
- 3 Months for 55.65 SAR
- 6 Months for 100.00 SAR
- 12 Months for 191.30 SAR
3. How can I redeem the code after purchasing it from Resal App?
After purchasing the voucher from Resal, you can now redeem the promo code on your Anghami account.
From the website:
1- Login to your account on the Anghami website:
2- Enter the Promocode you have and Confirm
From your mobile device:
1- From your device, go to Your library > Settings > Redeem a promo code
2- Enter the Promocode you have and Confirm