➥ Cancel your subscription with Apple Pay

Cancellation - Apple Pay

If you want to cancel your subscription through Apple Pay, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to app Settings> Subscriptions
  2. Tap on Manage> Manage your Account
  3. Tap cancel my subscription
  4. Follow the steps and confirm

By canceling your subscription, you will lose the below features:

  • Downloading your favorite songs
  • Listening to your downloaded songs without the internet
  • Getting rid of Ads
  • Viewing the song’s lyrics
  • Benefiting from an unlimited number of skips
  • No restrictions (Rewind /Scrub/ Repeat/ Play By Order)


- Your subscription will remain active until the end of your billing cycle
- Uninstalling the app will not stop your subscription. In order to avoid future charges, you must cancel the subscription using the process above

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