Live Radio

Broadcast your Music through Live Radio 

We're the first streaming service to introduce the Live Radio feature. Now, you can experience a whole new level of entertainment with us.

The Live Radio feature enables any user including artists, DJs, content creators, and music influencers to host a live broadcast of their preferred music selection from Anghami's library.

It gives you the chance to participate in a real-time version of a podcast experience and, by creating your own virtual events, you will be able to bring together communities with live interaction.

It allows your audience to participate and engage with you.
Other features include applauding the host, sending text comments, meeting other participants, and side-chats.

Tap on the Live (Connect) button in the application > Click on Start a Live Radio > Choose a name > Go Live 


  • Only Plus users can host a Live Radio, the participants can be Free or Plus users
  • You can choose to go Live either publicly or privately, also you can choose your audience manually
  • Your followers will receive just a single notification for your Live Radio within a day

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