🎫 Buy Anghami Plus cards from B.TECH & B.TECH X - Egypt

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For our users in Egypt, subscribing to Anghami Plus has been made incredibly easy. You can now purchase a voucher code from any B.TECH & B.TECH X branch and redeem it on your account hassle-free. It's as simple as that!

 1. How can I find a reseller of B.TECH & B.TECH X in Egypt? 

To find B.TECH & B.TECH X reseller in Egypt, go to https://www.anghami.com/btech 
2. What are the available Anghami Plus cards in B.TECH & B.TECH X? 
The available Anghami Plus cards are:
  • 1 month for 75.00 EGP
  • 3 months for 225.00 EGP
  • 6 months for 450.00 EGP
  • 9 months for 675.00 EGP
  • 12 months for 900.00 EGP
3. How can I redeem the code after purchasing B.TECH & B.TECH X card? 
After purchasing your card from B.TECH & B.TECH Xyou can now redeem the promo code on your Anghami account. 
From the website:
1- Login to your account on Anghami website: https://www.anghami.com/redeem
2- Enter the Promo code you have handy and Confirm
From your mobile device:
1- From your device go to  Your library > Settings > Redeem promo code
2- Enter the Promocode you have handy and Confirm
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