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Your Weekly Mixtape — A Personalized Playlist Every Week Just for You!

Your Weekly Mixtape — A Personalized Playlist Every Week Just for You!

Remember the feeling of listening to that perfect mixtape on a breezy summer night? We’re bringing it back with Your Weekly Mixtape, a personalized playlist that delivers music from your favourite artists and songs, as well as new releases and personalized trending music we think you will love each week.

Refreshed with different songs every Monday, Your Weekly Mixtape will contain up to 30 songs. Plus, the more you listen to Anghami, the smarter it’ll get—you can influence the music selections in Your Weekly Mixtape by frequently listening to your favourite songs and artists, and by liking your favourite songs too! 

You can always check your Weekly Mixtape from the app menu > Mixtapes > Weekly Mixtape. 

From this weekly Mixtape, you can always: 

  • Share your Mixtape with any other follower and friend. 
  • Download the songs inside the mixtape to play them when offline. 
  • Shuffle the songs inside this mixtape if you wish to listen to them in a random order
  • Save the current mixtape in a playlist if you really like it!
  • Rate your Mixtape: it will help us understand further if we did fine this time in recommending these songs or we need to look into your Music taste and do better next time! 
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