Master App Settings

Here we will make you master the App settings to make your Anghami music experience even Better by adjusting some options we offer you and it should be enabled or sometimes disabled by you. Below we've included a description of each option/action to help you understand it:

  • Force Offline mode: This option switches the app offline to save any data consumption. This option is only exclusive to Anghami Plus subscribers. You can play your downloaded songs only! 
  • App Language: Here you can switch the app to any language you want among English, Arabic, and French. By default, the app language will be similar to the local phone language. 
  • Show Arabic music using Arabic letters: Enabling this option will switch the Arabic songs into Arabic letters and the international content will remain in the Latin letters. 
  • Dark Mode: Do you like the app to be dark? Here you are, enable this option.
  • Reset Tooltips: Do you want the app to show tooltips next to each feature/option? Resetting it will allow the app to prompt you tips next to any option you try to use.
  • Clear search history: Clear the Search History and start fresh.
  • Smart Cache: Set how much do you want the app to use from your device memory.
  • Clear Cache: Clearing the cache will delete the saved images and unwanted files that we save onto your memory for the previous songs you played without downloading.
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