Stories: To explore & discover music from people you follow!

Explore and Discover new music from people you follow through Anghami Stories!

What is Anghami Story? 

An Anghami Story is a feature that lets you post your favourite music to share it with your followers and friends that will disappear after 24 hours.  

How to add Anghami stories


By default, your recently played songs will be added automatically to your Anghami Stories.

If you wish to disable this feature: 

Go to My music > settings > Privacy settings > turn off "Auto-add stories"


  1. From the song, tap on share 
  2. Add to my story 

Voila! Your story has now been posted. You can see who has viewed it from the story by tapping on SEEN BY


How to view Anghami Stories

Stories of people you follow will appear at the top of the Explore screen in a chronological order to the right while your story will be to the left. Each story shows the profile photo of the person you follow.

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