How to import your Apple music library to Anghami?

Import Music from Apple Music to Anghami

You can add music files stored on your device and songs from your iTunes library to Anghami App on Android or iOS so you can listen to them from within the app. Only the licensed music by Anghami will be imported.

➤ if the Application is on its first run

  1. On the first run, a message will be prompted to authorize the app to import your songs. 
  2. Allow the app by authorizing the permission. 

➤ If you are currently using the App

  1. Go to Your Library > settings > import your music
  2. Enable 'Import music from your device'


Wait for the sync to complete

Once you authorize the app to import your songs from the device, Anghami will begin importing the songs. Depending on how many songs you have, it could take a while for all the songs to get added. Just be patient and soon you’ll be able to listen to songs available through Anghami.

Locate your Music

When importing is completed, you can find them under My Music> Playlists> from my device.



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