➥ Troubleshooting Anghami on Apple TV

If Anghami on Apple TV is not working properly, follow the steps below:

  1. Close and reopen the app.
    • Double-click the Home button (next to Menu) on your remote
    • Swipe left or right until you see Anghami, then swipe up to close the app.
    • Click the Home button again and reopen Anghami.
    • Reboot the device from your Apple TV Settings by selecting System > Restart. If that doesn't restart the TV, hold down the and Home buttons, then release when the LED on your Apple TV starts flashing.
  2. Uninstall and reinstall Anghami app.
  3. Try a few standard network troubleshooting steps:
    • Connect directly via an ethernet cable rather than wirelessly.
    • Reboot your modem and router.
    • Restart the device.
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