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Paid for iTunes but still saying I have a free account?

Have you subscribed through iTunes and your account is still FREE? Don't worry!

Since you subscribed through iTunes, you should be able to use the following steps to get your subscription activated and your account set to Anghami Plus. 

Before restoring your purchase, make sure:

  • You've updated to the latest Anghami version available on the App Store
  • You're logged in to iTunes with the account you used to subscribe 
To restore a purchased Anghami Plus subscription:
  1. From Your Library > tap  to open Settings
  2. Tap on Subscription  > Restore your subscription 
  3. Enter your iTunes password if prompted 
  4. On the confirmation window, tap OK
  5. This should set your account to Anghami Plus
If restoring your subscription fails, please contact us at and provide us with an iTunes receipt in order to check your subscription status. 
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