Bug Reporting Program

Find a bug, get Anghami Plus!

Users who report a significant bug to Anghami will be rewarded with varying durations of Anghami Plus, depending on the severity of the vulnerability. The rewards may range from one month to several months of subscription.
  • Only one bounty will be awarded per vulnerability
  • If we receive multiple reports for the same vulnerability, only the person offering the first clear report will receive a reward
  • We maintain flexibility with our reward system, and have no minimum/maximum months; rewards are based on severity, impact, and report quality.


In order to speed up bug reporting, we have created a bug reporting program for your convenience. Simply complete the questions provided below and send them via email to feedback@anghami.com with the subject line "I Found a BUG".

Please answer ALL the below questions including as much info as possible: 

1. What type of bug is it? 

  • A Bug in Anghami app
  • A bug in the website
  • A bug in the Webplayer
  • Crash Bug 
2. Can you reproduce the bug?
In order for us to fix the bug, we need to be able to reproduce it. With a precise description of what you did, we can clearly follow your actions and recreate the same situation. The most important thing is telling us exactly how to reproduce the bug.
3. Describe how the bug is occurring 
Please provide as much info as possible, every detail counts. If possible, attach screenshots or videos to your email.  All the information shared with us is 100% confidential and not stored.
4. Provide Your registered email and your Phone number  

We may need to ask further questions about your issue by email or phone so we require a valid email address and phone number.

5.  What happens to my bug next?
  • The development team will review new bug reports and will try first to determine if the information given is adequate.
  • If you have provided a valid bug report, then the issue will be accepted for further testing
  • During the testing process, we will try to reproduce the issue using the current version of Anghami. If the issue is a confirmed bug, the development team will log it and set a severity
  • The development team will attempt to fix the bug before the next release 


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