Refund Policy

When you cancel your Anghami Plus subscription, It will remain active until the end of its billing period. After that, it will be canceled and accordingly, you won't be able to access Anghami Plus features; like downloading and playing your downloaded songs in offline mode until you re-subscribe.

Our Refund policy includes: 

  • If your account is subscribed to Anghami plus via Credit Card, Apple/Google Store, or PayPal, you can cancel it at any time within its validity, but we cannot apply for any refunds
  • Subscriptions via Mobile Operators cannot be refunded. You may find the un-subscription methods here:
  • No refund can be applied if you started to use your subscription already
  • Anghami does not initiate refunds on any unused portion of the current subscription. Prevent an unwanted subscription from renewing by canceling at least 48 hours prior to its renewal date
  • Online and Offline Gift cards cannot be refunded
If you purchased your Anghami Plus subscription through (Apple, or PayPal), you will need to contact them directly for more information on their refund policy.
Request a refund from Apple: 

Subscriptions purchased on iOS devices are billed through Apple, so any billing discrepancies are handled by their support team.

Even though it is Apple's policy not to issue refunds for subscriptions you've purchased through Apple, they will make an exception in certain cases. 

They can be contacted at the following link:

Anghami may at anytime amend this policy for any reason. Please review it periodically. 
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