Renewal Policy after FREE TRIALS:
- You may only use this Free Trial Offer once.
- The free trial period on your account lasts one month
- We will begin billing you for your subscription at the end of the free-trial period unless you cancel automatic renewal prior to the end of the free-trial period.
- You may prevent being charged for your subscription after the free trial ends by canceling automatic renewal on your account before the renewal date.
- Please keep a record of when your free-trial period ends.
- You are responsible for canceling automatic renewal of your subscription in a timely manner.
- You may cancel your subscription at any time during the free trial period.
- Cancellation instructions can be found in MANAGE SUBSCRIPTIONS section.
- If you do not cancel, then, upon expiration of the free trial period, you will be enrolled in the service subscription that you selected when you registered for the free trial period.