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How do I sign in without Facebook or Google+?

If you originally signed up with Facebook or Google+ but:

  • Would no longer like to sign in through the application, or
  • Have deleted your Facebook/Google+ account that is connected to Anghami profile

you can still sign in to your account by creating a new password for your Anghami profile.

To reset your password, please click on Forget your password from the login screen in the app or from Anghami website. The Reset Password will go to the email address attached to your Facebook or Google+ account. If you do not see an email, please check your spam folder as it may have ended up in there.

Once you have reset your password, you will be able to sign in using your email address and password, without needing to use your Facebook or Google+ account.

If you would like to completely disconnect Facebook or Google+, please contact us.

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