Customize your Anghami widget for your web or blog

Add an Anghami Widget to your website, blog, or any social page. 

Anghami Widgets can be added to any webpage that supports <iframe> tags. You can create widgets for Playlist, Album, Song and Artist. 

When a user is logged in Anghami - and clicks the play button:


  • the music will start playing in the widget. 
  • If the user is not logged into their Anghami account, they will listen to 30 seconds of the music available and will be prompted to login. 
Follow the steps below and you’ll have your page musified in seconds:
➤  Step 1

Visit in your Web browser

➤ Step 2

Choose the music that you want to share on your web page or blog 

➤ Step 3

Select your options to show your layout, themes and size of the widget

➤ Step 4

Preview your widget and if everything is the way you wanted it, go further with the steps!
➤ Step 5
Select the code that appears under “ Copy and paste this code on your website ” and Copy it. 
➤  Step 6

Go to your blog or web page and paste the code in your HTML wherever you wish the widget to show. 

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